Horse books


By Vicki

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I took one of my reiki-ssage clients out to see my horse Tori. She has MS. The first thing Tori did was to gently put his head at the top of her legs and then let her lean on him. When she went into a spasm while mounting, he put his head down and seemed to "flatten out" to help her get on and didn't even breathe while she struggled to mount with all of us helping her. Then we just walked two small circles with a person on each side to support her, and Tori went sooooo slow and with extra care so as not to jar his passenger. That so made her day and that of everyone who watched us. There wasn't a dry eye in the place.

Horses, and all animals for that matter, are such beautiful spirits (and I feel they are more evolved than us in many ways) and healers in their own right.

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